General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Policy.

The emphasis of the updated protection legislation is to improve the security of handling data, whilst improving the ability of individuals to control how their personal information is used, whether held on a computer or on a paper record. The Southend District Pensioner’s Campaign only holds basic information, which includes telephone number, mobile phone number, address and email address, which Members have provided on becoming Members by completing a consent form.

We use that information, ONLY to send our monthly mailings of NPC Campaign, SDPC Digest and details of forthcoming meetings, reminders when your affiliation is due, plus other information which may be of relevance or interest to members. If any member wishes to check what information is held by SDPC then they are entitled to see this on request, and to correct or update any information that is held by the SDPC. It is of course also important that members and affiliates notify us of any changes of address or other contact information so that we can continue to send you bulletins etc, or to remove you from our records if you so wish.

The GDPR places requirements on SDPC to ensure we have the consent of individuals to hold and use their data. We also will ensure that we take all necessary steps to continue to hold and use members’ personal information on a secure basis. Data is held by Honorary Secretary and Treasurer only.

A copy of this policy statement will be available, to any Members on request to the Honorary Secretary and is posted on our website.